Heartfulness is a process of being who you are and becoming more of all you are.
Heartfulness is our natural state of Being
The Heartful Harmony Complete System
THE HARMONY REFRESH is the foundational skill of the Heartful Harmony System. All of the many additional stages amplify the benefits of restoring and maintaining a lifestyle of Harmony.
Learn the Harmony Refresh skill right now! Click Here for a free pdf guide.
A Heartful Harmony Refresh is a simple skill with three easy steps,
• Feel your physical heartbeat.
• Be aware of your breath.
• Relax your body into calm.

Will Hale has distilled the Harmony Refresh and the fundamentals of Heartfulness from decades of personal experience, along with tapping into the energy and enthusiasm of performing music with thousands of kids every year, Will Hale has established a simple, accelerated, experiential style of guided learning.
The Gift of Everything Heartful Harmony System
The Heartful Harmony System involves four major milestones.
- Heartful Harmony Refresh
- Heartful Living
- The 12 Life Treasures
- The Gift of Everything
Heartfulness is skill based not knowledge driven.
Heartful Harmony Refresh
- Heartful Harmony Refresh is an experience of a Learning milestone.
- The first three Gifts of Life – Our Heartbeat, Breath, Mind
- The Harmony Refresh is the primary central foundation skill of Heartfulness
- Feel our Heartbeat – Be aware of our Breath – Relax into Calm
This deceptively simple process can have deep and profound results all on its own.
Your free HARMONY REFRESH QUICK START is available now!
Heartful Living
The Heartful Living program massively amplifies the basic Harmony Refresh and experientially integrates Heartfulness into your daily lifestyle.
- Heartful Living is an experience of an Aliveness milestone, while gaining mastery and momentum.
- Expansion of four more Gifts of Life – The Elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air
- Introduction to the Diamond Element, our Natural State of Being.
- The Seven Skills of Harmony as power boosts to amplify your Harmony Refresh abilities.
- Powers of the Heart – the magnetism of intuition and action.
- Paths of Harmony – Wisdom Pages – Heartful Movement – Alchemy of the Heart
- Heartful Living Certification of completion.
Heartful Living – 6 week immersion $1,200 email Heartful@willhale.com for early registration, $399 if you are one of the first four to join.
The 12 Life Treasures
- The 12 Life Treasures are an experience of a Growth milestone.
- Energetic Archetypes – getting the bigger picture of Life, Self and Everything.
- The Principles of Unity – Understanding and experiencing the relationship with Everything.
- The Source of Sacredness – The GIFT and The HURT
- Mystic Refresh practices – integrating emotional density and restoring wholeness
The Gift of Everything
The Gift of Everything is the universal experience of an Expansion milestone.
The Diamond Life – A consistent experience of your Natural State of Being
Embodiment of being who you are while becoming more of all you are.
Reliable effortless access to direct experience of a genuine state of Harmony.
Living from a perspective of Thrival, flourishing and fulfillment.
The Gift of Everything is the source and expression of every milestone of Heartfulness.
There is only One EVERYTHING

The 12 Life Treasures and The Gift of Everything are currently only available as part of a Harmony Companion Experience
The complete Heartful Harmony Companion Experience includes all four milestones of Heartful Harmony Refresh – Heartful Living – The 12 Life Treasures – The Gift of Everything
The Lifetime Harmony Companion Experience is reserved for one courageous soul willing to join me in the full expression of Heartful Living for complete, personalized, genuine lifetime access to my support as a Beloved Companion, Friend and Equal Partner in Being Everything we are. $24,000
The Harmony Companion Journey is a one year commitment to be fully immersed in every aspect and skill to live with effortless heartful harmony. $12,000
All four Heartful Harmony milestones are happening and developing simultaneously. Having a linear focus of stages allows us to gradually expand our awareness to make infinity manageable as a direct experience
It is possible to experience all four milestones with the basic Heartful Harmony Refresh. It is most often our minds that want to understand and make the process more complicated.
My desire through the Heartful Harmony System is to give you the greatest opportunity to develop the valuable skills of heartfulness in one year, instead of the decades it took me
The Gift of Everything Heartful Harmony System is based on my own personal experience and influences. You will not find this unique Heart centered approach anywhere else. It is a process, not a method meant to be etched in stone or in comparison with any other programs. Experiment, experience, observe and decide for yourself.
The Heartful Harmony System doesn’t make Life happen, it only allows us to be more aware of the Life that is always happening.
Will Hale – Founder of Heartful Harmony
651-307-3849 Will@HeartfulHarmony.com